Portfolio Website Development (IV)

This is my new portfolio website. I have not created the portfolio and resume page yet because I planned to illustrate the page and add in some of the new/ selected features.

Feedback from my course lecturer, Geoffrey:

The main subject for the visitors to look is your portfolio, not stories about you.

Portfolio Website Development (III)

Today, I received news announced by school telling us that we are not recommended to use Wix site to build our portfolio. So, I have to transfer to WordPress website to create a new one.

In order to build my portfolio in a productive way, I installed some plugin which might be used and help me in building my portfolio. I also explored some flip-book plugin that can show my work.

I installed Elementor to build a nice layout in my blog.

Portfolio Website Development (II)

I started designing the basic layout for my new professional portfolio website.

For this design layout above, the Home page will be landed as ‘about me’. Click onto the Portfolio menu button, all my selected work will be posted inside, either sorted out with categories or just all the artworks. For the Resume & Contact page, I would want it to be intractable with the UI flash cards. The flashcards will include the content info of my skills, responsibilities, also my experiences, not experiments. In the end, I will place a contact form for visitors who would like to contact me for questions and inquiries.

Portfolio Website Development (I)

Hello, everyone. Today I am going to briefly talk about my previous portfolio websites I created.

Different style of Portfolio website can show up an individual’s strength and weakness of his/ her skills and if he/ she is suitable for a job position. Different content of Portfolio website also represent a position that the author aim to or interested.

This is my portfolio website before I work in a design company, 1103 Studios in Singapore. At first, I wanted to work in a Film & Animation Industry for my internship. Also, to have another back up plan to work in designs company.

The website is kind of simple, clean and legible for visitors to scroll through. All kinds of digital project I have uploaded on it and a simple info of experiences and educations about me.