Types of writers career in Game Industry

Some people did not know the different type of writer career in the game industry, just like me. I researched online and asked professionals what’s the different positions and the responsibilities of them are. There are all kinds of writer such as pitch writer, narrative designer, and game journalist in the industry.

A screenwriter writes action scripts or dialogues of the characters in scenes. These writing plays a vital role in the game industry, as they will be used for the talents to speak their dialogue, for the director to conduct the shooting, and for game designers to reference during the post-production. Video game writers usually work with a team of professionals which includes the game designers, the level designers, and even the voice actors and the directors.

A pitch writer specializes in writing pitches for video games to publishers. They create collaborative pitch documents such as design mock-ups or art concepts. To pitch documents for the game, they will do from executive a summary, audience analysis, story, competition analysis, market analysis, gameplay, financial budget, and schedule.

A narrative designer participates in the crafting of a game’s story. He will need to create descriptions and backstories of characters, locations, and objects. He defines the flow of events in a mission with the level designers. Narrative designer supports the Game Design team in defining systems and structures to reinforce the game experience throughout the entire game and contributing to building the player’s emotional journey.

A game journalist will play the games to preview or review. They will write articles about their experience of playing the game and formulate article ideas with peers. A game journalist will also have to keep up the industry news to write the industry news. They will meet demanding deadlines, and perform a score of other mundane administrative tasks besides. A game journalist will deal with the PR people. They will also attend conferences and expo’s, visit with game developers. Sometime they might even travel around the world to do so. Generally, this career moves about to experience the industry from the road.